Promote SEO websites

SEO web promotion or SEO web search optimizatio

Website search optimization is also known as web SEO; is a combination of Search Engine technology and online marketing art, so we always emphasize flexibility in each project. From choosing keywords, implementation plans, to applying effective and appropriate marketing models. Your project implementation time will be shortened with our most scientific and flexible working methods.

Competitive price
A reasonable budget for each web SEO project is something you and your business are considering. We bring you many effective SEO solutions with the most economical costs. With many professional SEO services and website SEO models, suitable for all service models. We believe we will help you become successful in investing in your SEO project. Please rest assured, we only receive funding for keywords that have reached page 1 of search results, do not hesitate to contact us immediately for detailed information.

Tips – how to choose keywords

How to choose optimal keywords and the right purpose for your web promotion campaign?Keyword research and analysis is a basic and extremely important step for any SEOer before embarking on an SEO campaign. A SEO campaign that is effective and brings good effects to the website depends greatly on the process of selecting and analyzing potential keywords. Each SEO service company and each SEO individual has their own valuable analysis methods, but no matter who, in any situation, keyword analysis and evaluation must always be based on key principles. the following basics:

1. Choose keywords that closely match the website content. Before going into analysis, you need to consider the business field of the website, the main items or products that need to be promoted, and then select a list of keywords. relevant. Short keywords that describe content well with a large number of searchers are often highly competitive and require a large amount of time and money; long keywords that focus on each product category often have lower competition than cost. Fees and time will also be less. Depending on each stage and company's strategy, choose appropriate keywords to bring the highest efficiency. You can rely on google adword's keyword analysis tool to analyze ideas and keyword difficulty with the following address:

2. Carefully consider the user's purpose in choosing keywords: Grasping well the trends and thoughts of users when looking for product information will make the best choice for the needed keyword. develop. For example, the search phrase "new car model" has a very high number of searches, but the people who enter that keyword phrase are often people who are looking at new models and are not necessarily potential customers. power. But if a searcher types in the phrase "gas-efficient car", then they already intend to buy a car and want to find a product that is suitable for them.

3. You should not choose a keyword that is too short, only one word: A keyword that has only one word can be very good in terms of search volume and bring a lot of traffic to the website, but it is not necessarily the optimal choice. As mentioned above, this type of keyword is extremely competitive, investing in it is also very expensive and may not necessarily achieve the desired rankings. Furthermore, these type of keywords often have a high generality and do not focus on the desired products, so it is not necessarily as effective as longer keywords that focus on the website's strong products that need to be advertised. uncle.

4. Confusing Keywords This requires careful selection of keywords to make sure you choose phrases that don't unintentionally conflict with related industries. Consider, for example, the phrase “mobile advertising.” This keyword unintentionally confuses the advertising of a company that sells competing mobile billboards with a company that advertises on mobile devices. So careful keyword selection can help prevent this confusion.

5. Consider the level of competition. Many companies almost blindly choose keywords and do not stop to consider the overall competitive situation of that keyword on the web. Enter your target phrase into a query box on a search engine and take a look at the sites that are ranking for it. Do they have a .gov or .edu extension? Let's check how optimized they are. Compare the backlinks of the pages that are ranking for your website and come up with a comparison table of what you can do to get ahead of your competitors. Choose your partners carefully with that ability and time and can you really try to pursue this phrase?

6. Consider the level of competition. Many companies almost blindly choose keywords and do not stop to consider the overall competitive situation of that keyword on the web. Enter your target phrase into a query box on a search engine and take a look at the sites that are ranking for it. Do they have a .gov or .edu extension? Let's check how optimized they are. Compare the backlinks of the pages that are ranking for your website and come up with a comparison table of what you can do to get ahead of your competitors. Choose your partners carefully with that ability and time and can you really try to pursue this phrase?